Wednesday 5 August 2009

"Secure database"--what a joke

Another of our predictions, i.e.that the national register databse is NOT secure and WILL be compromised, has already come true. OK, so nine people have been sacked for data breach. But it's not their fault--the hairbrained ID scheme is inherently flawed in design and concept. Unyet our dumbo government are pushing ahead with ID cards and the associated database in an appalling display of ignorant stubborness.

NO2ID states on the national website:

IT providers find that identity systems work best when limited in design. The Home Office scheme combines untested technologies on an unparalleled scale. Its many inchoate purposes create innumerable points for failure. The government record with computer projects is poor, and the ID system is likely to end up a broken mess.

We told you so folks...


Don Wood said...

thegoverment cant keep family allowances details secure so an ID scheme is bound to faliure

Matt B (Thanet Star) said...

I've not seen even the basics of logical or physical security taken seriously yet. The level of encryption used by default appears to be none at all. Enforced restriction of access based on a rule-set is also, apparently, zero. I could do better.

Anonymous said...

You seem to fail to recognise or acknowledge that the government has an even worse record for keeping paper records safe. Arguably it is not the government but the twats that are entrusted with the records ie, Doctors, civil servants etc. At sometime you have to recognise that no matter what system you have it will always be open to error or abuse-it is the human condition. What is wrong with an ID system-unless you have something to hide ike your right to be in this country abusing our benefits system and eating a way at our culture. I say YES to ID and give Britain back to the British while there are still some left!

Gary said...

Anonymous, please read more from the archive and try to get yourself informed about this issue. What we object to at NO2ID is the way this country is increasingly being run by databases, which are dangerous and inefficient and create a lot of stress for everybody. The ID scheme is a disaster of monumental I've said elsewhere, ID systems are okay in certain domains and for limited purposes. The ID scheme, however, is the prelude to a massive level of state interference in our lives. Wanting to retain some anonymity is NOT hiding, and I do respect your right to some privacy!