Saturday, 12 January 2008

Inaugural meeting of Thanet NO2ID

Thanet NO2ID will be holding its inaugural informal meeting 7.00pm, Friday 25th January (2008) at the Pascucci café, 14 Buenos Ayres, Margate. The café is located on the corner of the row of Georgian houses that face out over Margate beach near Margate railway station. The café, normally closed winter evenings, is opening especially for us. Drinks and food can be purchased.

The purpose of the meeting is to bring together those people in Thanet who might be interested in joining the local no2id campaign (you could join the national campaign and not be active locally). As this is our first meeting there is no particular agenda, but it is as well to establish a plan of action early on.

At this stage I do not anticipate a huge turnout but this really does not matter. All campaign groups start small, and it only takes a few people, or just even one person, to light a fire. The local press have been informed of the meeting and if we get some coverage this might boost numbers.

Bear in mind the national campaign has over 40,000 registered members, and is growing rapidly—we are not the only ones concerned about the ID-database nightmare. Please make this meeting a date in your diary, and bring a friend along.


Anonymous said...

I am totally against tax payers' money being invested in yet more I.D. stuff.

Of course, I already have lots of I.D. e.g. a passport and driving licence, a national insurance number, a library ticket!

I can't see what benefit further ID systems will bring to the Nation - I can not see how it would reduce crime.

I would be interested to read about how your campaign progresses and what you think people can do.

Gary said...

I agree with you.

I suggest concerned persons take the following actions
1. Check out get informed
2. consider joining no2id and making a donation
3. if you want to do more, join a local group and get inviolved as an activist

apathy is not the answer--fight back